What is iso basketball

 Isolation plays are a common term among basketball fans. This is an important tool that every player of basketball should know.

What does iso mean in basketball? ISO stands for isolation. It is also known as "one vs. one" in basketball. ISO is the act of isolating an opponent using his dribbling skills in order to score points.

What Does ISO Do to a Game?

ISO basketball is basically when an offensive player takes on their defender one-on-one to score a basket. ISO is different from other basketball possessions because the offensive players don't set screens or try to get to the basket. They are clearing space to make room for the primary ball-handler who is simply trying to beat their defender. Matchups are the key to isolation. If the player who has the ball is not dribbling or big-shooting like Deandre Jordan, then you won't want to run an isolated set. ISO may be a good way to score some points if you have an elite scorer such as Kevin Durant or Luka Docic, but a weaker defense.

Although there are many situations in which isolation may be necessary, the most important situation is off an inbound at end of game. If a team needs to make a winning or tied shot, the best thing to do is to find a way for your best player to receive the ball and then hope they can score. Some coaches love to make it more complicated, but I find ISO the best way to score a buzzer-beater.

If the defense is unable to stop an offensive player, this is another reason you might want to isolate them. You have to feed your guy if one of your players is going crazy. You can feed your man the ball and let him do his thing, like when Kobe Bryant was ripping the Toronto Raptors for 81 in 2006. The Lakers did exactly that when Kobe attempted 46 shots from the floor.

If ISO can be effective in these situations, then why is it not being used more often in the NBA to run an offense? The success of the Golden State Warriors dynasty could be the answer to this question.

Is it because isos are so common in the NBA?

Mismatches. Every basketball competition around the globe hunts mismatches relentlessly and exploits them with no mercy. This is especially true of the NBA, which is a league of matchups.

When the offensive ball handler and the defender are quick centers, players love to go one-on-one with their defenders. This is the type of situation that iso basketball was created. The entire offensive team smells of blood. The guard gets to work and everyone clears out.

Post ups can also be used to isolate. Imagine a 7'0" 260 lb center posting up to a 6'5" 200-pound weaker defender. This is what every center wants for obvious reasons.

This leads to the second reason: great offense. While the iso is not always great offense, the play that results from it is often. Let's return to the previous situations. One of the most obvious outcomes is a shot at or foul to the rim.

No team would want to lose a chance at the rim. This is especially true if their primary defender has been badly beaten. To help stop the drive to the rim, one of the remaining defensive players may decide to go without their man. This is where the fun begins because of the spacing created by the offensive team by spreading their players around three-point line.

The offensive player is left wide-open if a basketball player is not behind the arc. The isolating person will often kick the ball to the open player. This can result in an open three, or it could trigger a second defensive rotation that is likely to leave another offensive play open.

This rotation is coming from just one pass away. The ball will move faster than the defense, and defenses start to scramble. Chaos is what you want, and it is easy to exploit for any five-person roster.

Iso Ball: Drills to Make You Better

1. Ball Handling

A good iso player must be able to dribble the ball against defenders in small spaces without it being lost or stolen. This skill can be easily learned by hours of practice with different dribbling drills.

2. One-on-1

It is one-on-one play so practice it. It can be fun to play one-on-one with friends. This can also help you to improve your skills and make new moves in a game. James Harden and Kyrie have practiced the moves they use in games countless times before they were finally put to the test in a game.

These drills can be paired with traditional one-on one games to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and create a plan for improving your game.

Top 5 Iso Players in NBA History

Langley Rams will present you with five of the most outstanding iso players in NBA history:

1. James Harden, 321 points

James Harden is the greatest iso player ever. He crossed the 321 point threshold.

James Harden is a strong and confident attacker, which is no surprise. He can penetrate an opponent's defense like an arrow. James Harden is known for his great iso play.

2. Lebron James has 111 points

LeBron James, the King, was second with 111 points. The King is a skilled dribbler and is a formidable opponent in a one-on-one situation.

3. Damian Lillard scored 110 points

Damian Lillard is currently a point guard with the Portland Trail Blazers. Damian Lillard has 110 points and is an excellent iso player.

4. Russel Westbrook, 99 points

Russell Westbrook was a top 10 player with 99 points. He has a tremendous speed and is able to control the game. He is able to perform a complete combo and is well-prepared for play.

5. Giannis Antetokounmpo has 99 points

Giannis Antetokounmpo has been called the greatest Greek player in NBA history. Giannis Antetokounmpo, a rookie, has also been a part of the Milwaukee Bucks' 2021 NBA championship. Giannis has a very versatile style of play and is very skilled at iso.

Last Thoughts

If the player correctly deploys it, iso ball can be very useful. It can sometimes be a hindrance to the equality of the team members but it is still a very important play in basketball games.

It is mainly when the coach wants to see the ball in the best hands at the end of a game that it is more advantageous.

What does ISO mean in basketball? Langley Rams has provided extensive information about the meaning of ISO in basketball and other related information.

You have hopefully gained a new perspective on the sport.

View more: https://langleyrams.com/what-is-iso-in-basketball/


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